Sunday, July 6, 2008

This Summer's Garden!

This year I have started a garden. Hopefully this will cut down on the cost of food for me.

From front to back starting from the right.
1. Tomato Plant
2. Sage plants
3. Leaf Lettuace
4. Chamomile Plant #1
5. Basil Plant
6. Chamomile plant #2
7. Lavender Plant (The white bucket)
8. Chamomile plant #3 (the little pot)
9. Red Bell Pepper Plant (the very back on the right.)
10. Arugula Plant (ver back long bucket, that has since died.)

First Pepper Plant


It is a red bell pepper plant

The First Tomato Plant

Tomato Plant

This is a globe 100 plant

Hopefully I will be adding more to this site soon.

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